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I would like to request that a report be developed, maybe cloned from the "National Workshop Client Leads" report which would...
Enhancement for website client facing mentor searches to require a zip code (including searches by expertise and mentor match...
Due to ongoing issues experienced by clients and future improvements we want to make to our client-facing forms, we will be...
I frequently search for a mentor by typing a topic into the general search bar at the top of the Engage homepage and then...
I always want to check a client's website, Facebook and LinkedIn page before I contact them. However, I don't see that we...
Submitted on behalf of Ed McKinnon, Westmoreland chapter. Suggest adding "Start-Up Assistance" as an area of mentoring to...
There are (at least) two different ways to trigger an Event edit after it has been created. The first way is to click the...
What changed? ▪ Updated the existing validation rule for event scheduling to ensure the "End Time" is always later than the...
What changed? ▪ Added column sorting functionality to the assign/reassign screen component used for assigning/reassigning...
Currently, if you receive a new MRE from a previous client and assign it to the same mentor they've seen in the past, Engage...