Add Lists in Engage that display a list of Interviewers and Coaches for the VIC


Create 2 list views for VICs that display the active volunteer Interviewers and Coaches in their chapter(s). These lists should exclude those that have Pause Mentoring Assignments set in their profile.

  • Why are we making this change? this is being updated to streamline the Volunteer intake and onboarding process for all Volunteer Intake Coordinators and new Volunteers. This will enable VICs to more quickly identify those in their chapter/district/region who serve in these roles without having to memorize those names and/or maintain a separate spreadsheet. In addition, this update serves to keep the Prospective and Provisional volunteer moving through the process and contributes to a more positive onboarding experience.

  • Who is impacted by the change? Volunteer Intake Coordinators

  • What action should be taken using these changes? Volunteers currently serving in these roles should check their profiles to make sure these roles are selected so they show up in the list view that VICs will use to assign Interviewers and Coaches. VICs should review any current lists or spreadsheets they maintain to ensure that all names are accounted for.



Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: Planned