Add validation rules to prevent Event Managers from updating attendance before the event's End Date


1. Add a validation to the Zoom Update Attendance button that only allows Event Managers to click the button when the event status is Needs Action.
2. Add a validation to only send the No Show emails when an event status is set to Needs Action.
3. Add a validation rule to the Event object that prevents a Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar event from being updated to Published unless the Zoom Webinar or Meeting has been created.
4. When the Update Attendance button is clicked, record the user who initiated the click is an Event Manager, and the event is in Needs Action. Create a post that records the Event Manager who initiated the attendance update and the time at which the button was clicked.



Activity Newest / Oldest


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: In progress



Status changed to: Planned