Create a list where leaders can view all assignment activity of their active mentors

  • Live

Hanane Mouhssine

A new list view will be created to allow CICs and chapter leaders (Chairs, Co-Chairs, Vice Chairs, District Directors, ADDs, and RVPs) to track the activity of their active mentors. This list will include the mentor's name, email, assignment details, pause length, number of declines, and primary chapter. A link to this list will be conveniently added to the homepage for leaders for easy access under the My Volunteers section.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Terry Cramer

Thit is a general comment for ALL reports that are generated within ENGAGE other than the BIRTs. Would be nice to be able to download the data so it could be printed in a usable format - if you select printable format the columns are to wide so it prints on multiple pages that have to be pieced together to be usable.


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: Live


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: In progress