Implement - Updating the Assign/Reassign flow for CICs to more effectively match mentors and clients

Hanane Mouhssine

These updates will enhance the mentoring request assign/reassign process, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience for both mentors and clients. New Assign Search Screen

The following features will be implemented:

  • Mentoring Request Form: The Mentor Request form will include a "No Preference" option in the "How would you like to meet with your mentor?" field.
  • Automatic Filtering: The list of mentors displayed by default will automatically be filtered based on information from the client’s mentor request. These options can be adjusted by the Client Intake Coordinator (CIC).
  • Mentoring Type Match: Client requests for mentoring types (e.g., how they prefer to meet) are now matched with the mentor’s mentoring methods.
  • Mentoring Area Match: Client requests for specific mentoring areas are now matched with the mentor’s areas of expertise.
  • Business Type Match: Client requests based on business type are now matched with the volunteer’s industry experience.
  • Keyword Search: The CIC can quickly locate suitable mentors based on their subject matter expertise keyword field. To leverage this enhancement effectively, we encourage all mentors to keep their subject matter expertise keywords up to date. This ensures accurate and efficient client/mentor matching.
  • Search In: The area for searching mentors is specified by the 'Search In' box, which defaults to "Chapter." Filters will be applied to mentors within the selected area. You can broaden your search results by clicking on the dropdown menu. We highly recommend assigning requests to mentors within your chapter first, if available, then expanding to your district or region before considering mentors from all chapters.
  • Enhanced Search Functionality: We will enable searching by full name across different levels (chapter, district, region, outside area, and all chapters). This enhancement aims to make it easier for you to locate mentors, especially in larger chapters where the current search by mentor name alone may be cumbersome.
  • Updated Interface: The "Areas of Expertise" column will be removed from the Assign/Reassign screen.
  • Streamlined Display: The volunteer email column will be removed from the Assign/Reassign flow screen for a cleaner interface.
  • Client Intake Coordinator Notes: The CIC can now include a note to the mentor when assigning a request. This note will be included in both the email sent to the mentor and the mentor request record.
  • General Search Rules: All filters are inclusive and combined to refine search results. The "Search In" filter defines the base set of mentors, and other filters narrow down the mentors within this base set. The keyword search adds an additional layer of filtering based on the "Subject Matter Expertise" field.
  • Training: Our training team added a self guided tour that will walk you through this new update and info text on the left side of every new filter in Engage.

Video recording: https://score.app.box.com/s/can99tk14p4pinp5h9oplwwtqn09zcu1

Training Link: https://help.score.org/hc/en-us/articles/360041668893-How-to-Manage-the-Client-Intake-Queue-Match-a-Mentor-Request

SCORESF- 1043 // SCORESF-1075

Estimated: 8/5/2024


Activity Newest / Oldest


Hanane Mouhssine

This update is currently on hold and will not be released as previously planned. This decision is based on recent feedback from SCORE volunteers, admins and staff during training sessions and through related communications. We are conducting a thorough audit of our Engage enhancements and system release processes to identify and address existing gaps and other areas for improvement.
Future updates will encompass the following:
• A holistic and strategic view of the main process/area addressed by the enhancement
• An in-depth understanding of the indirect effects on other processes, areas and teams
• Feedback and testing from a more representative group of field users, including pilot and non-pilot regions
• Consideration of a wider array of roles and positions
• A proactive and clear communication strategy and plan for all upcoming changes
• Once the improved process is finalized, this enhancement will be revisited and subjected to the new process, and any decisions will be communicated well in advance.


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: Planned


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: In progress


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: Planned