Mentor Request Form -Where did you hear about SCORE?

Bruce Kahn

Hi - the drop-down menu for this question in the mentor request form doesn’t allow for the major referral sources we target, namely accounting firms, chambers and banks/credit unions. The individual currently has to click on Other. Providing these as options will help us measure the effectiveness of our marketing programs.

In addition, we have a program whereby we train commercial bankers to refer prospective and current loan clients to us. It would be helpful to add a field where the individual can write in the name of the bank/CPA firm/chamber/etc and another field where they can insert the referrer’s name. This will give us data we can share with the referring organization, and allow us to identify which branch offices(if the business has more than one location) and individual are doing a bang up job and which need follow ups with. Also, we could spotlight and thank individuals and organizations that are high referral sources.


Bruce Kahn
SCORE Madison


Expanding the drop-down options on the box on "How Did You Hear About SCORE" is a great suggestion. In WI we are building many new relationships and we would like to know how our MREs are coming in from those partners. The "Other" box is helpful but many do not take the time to give good information.

Specifically, we should add checkboxes for banks, chambers, law firms, accounting firms, USDA SBDC, and Women's Business Center) Each of these should allow for text entry of specific names (e.g. Black Chamber of Commerce, US Bank) to provide more information on how our marketing and outreach strategies are working.


Dave Maaske
SCORE Wisconsin District Director


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Gina Currence Alago

This falls into the larger conversation about partnerships with in SCORE. As we hopefully continue to expand on our amount of partnerships, we need to expand our support, training, documentation, reporting, etc around that. This is an important part of that conversation.