Review and evaluate current form software and research replacements


Due to ongoing issues experienced by clients and future improvements we want to make to our client-facing forms, we will be gathering requirements and evaluating other form tools that better meet our needs.

July 2024 Update: Changes will be released on 8/5/2024 to update the error messages received by clients when there are issues with their credit card or when they attempt to register more than once for an event.

What Changed? We added two new custom error messages for the event registration form:

  • Credit card error message: "There was an issue processing your payment. Please check your card information and try again."
  • Duplicate registration error message: "It appears you have already registered for this event. To avoid duplicate entries, only one registration is allowed per user. If you believe this is an error, please contact support at help@score.org."

When clients encounter issues with credit card payments or attempt to register more than once, they will see these error messages. The system will no longer create a pending registration status if the payment fails. Instead, it will display the error message and allow the client to retry with correct or new card information. If the client successfully registers and then tries to register again, it will be considered a duplicate registration, and the duplicate error message will be displayed. The system will not create duplicate records in Engage.

Why is this change being implemented? Over the past few years, we faced multiple issues with the event form, particularly with payment processing and duplicate registrations. Despite researching replacement options, we couldn't find vendors meeting all our business requirements. Therefore, we engaged an expert consultant to help resolve these issues within our current Form Assembly system. Testing will be ongoing, with fixes planned for deployment in the July and August sprints. Our goal is to enhance our form software to better meet organizational needs and improve the user experience.

Who will be impacted by this change? Event managers and clients using the paid or free event registration forms will be impacted by this change.

What action should be taken because of this change? No action is required from your end. The new error messages will guide clients on their next steps. You should no longer see pending registration statuses, as records will only be created upon successful payment submission.

March 2024 Update: We have completed the initial review and evaluation of our current event, mentoring, and volunteer request form software. While we initially considered researching potential replacements, we have decided to engage an expert consultant to help resolve the issues we are currently facing with Form Assembly, such as payment messaging and duplicate registration. Testing will be ongoing, and we plan to deploy fixes in the next July sprint. Our focus remains on enhancing our form software to better suit the needs of our organization and to elevate the user experience.


Estimated: 8/5/2024


Activity Newest / Oldest


Hanane Mouhssine

We have completed the initial review and evaluation of our current event, mentoring, and volunteer request form software. While we initially considered researching potential replacements, we have decided to engage an expert consultant to help resolve the issues we are currently facing with Form Assembly, such as payment messaging and duplicate registration. Testing will be ongoing, and we plan to deploy fixes in the next July sprint. Our focus remains on enhancing our form software to better suit the needs of our organization and to elevate the user experience.



Status changed to: In progress



Status changed to: Planned