Send a notification to the VIC once a Provisional completes 3 co-mentoring sessions


Send a notification to the VIC once a Provisional volunteer completes 3 co-mentoring sessions. The Coach and Chapter Chair should be copied on this email as well.

Suggested template:

Dear Volunteer Intake Coordinator:

[Provisional name] has completed three co-mentoring sessions and is ready for the next steps of their onboarding. They have [#] days remaining in their onboarding window.

Please review their application to identify outstanding items and follow-up to ensure any remaining training is completed before their status can be updated to active.

  • Who is affected by the change? VIC, Coach, Chair, and the Provisional Volunteer being onboarded.

  • Why is the change being made? To streamline the volunteer onboarding process and improve the experience for related roles. This will eliminate a great deal of the back and forth communication and need for constant double checking and follow up required to determine whether the Provisional has completed the requirement for co-mentoring sessions.



Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: Planned