Sort matching mentors by distance

Scott Bussinger

I frequently search for a mentor by typing a topic into the general search bar at the top of the Engage homepage and then filtering based on volunteer and active. I've love to be able to sort the list by distance from my location. It's always better to choose a mentor is close to me rather than the other side of the country. Familiarity client area, same time zone, same district, same laws, etc.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Mark Krosse

possible workaround - add the state code to the search criteria; eg "real estate OH"; then after filtering; sort by the Account Name column; for volunteers, the Account Name is the Chapter Name


Scott Bussinger

Thanks for the idea! Searching with the state is still tedious because I have to search many times for each nearby state. and reapply the filters every time. If I could add a state column (like instead of the phone number) to the results that would work better,

Typically, I'm searching for something like HVAC and getting perhaps 30 results after filtering it down to active volunteers. If I'm lucky 1 or 2 might be in my state (WA) the rest are scattered around the country. I end up opening a tab for each match and then closing them based on whether they accept outside area clients, recent activity, good evaluations, not paused, etc. and then sort of manually sort them by location. Ideally we'd have a better search tool to make this easier. For now, I'd settle for a way to at least roughly sort them so I look at nearby mentors first.