Issue with Premature Setting of the Event Lock Date During Event Cloning

  • Live

Hanane Mouhssine

We have identified an issue where the event Lock Date field is prematurely assigned to a few cloned events by Event Managers. To prevent any discrepancies in event reporting, the lock date field will now be cleared automatically during event cloning. It will only be set once the cloned event's Event Status is marked as Completed, ensuring accurate tracking of event statuses.

What is the issue? We identified an issue where the event Lock Date field was prematurely assigned to some cloned events by Event Managers.

Why is this fix being implemented? This fix is being implemented to prevent discrepancies in event reporting. The premature assignment of the lock date could lead to inaccurate tracking of event statuses.

Who will be impacted by this change? Event managers who clone events will not be impacted by this fix as this is a system backend change.

What action should be taken because of this change? No action is required from your end. The lock date field will now be cleared automatically during event cloning and will only be set once the cloned event is marked as completed. This ensures accurate tracking and reporting of event statuses.


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Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: Live


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: In progress


Hanane Mouhssine

Status changed to: Planned