Mark Krosse |
New national KPI / SOSR line item for 2025 is Engaged Mentor Contribution %; BIRT Vol Perf Report should be updated for ease of use by field chapter leaders to take action to improve this metric for their chapter.
A mentor is considered "engaged" if at least 3 sessions per month. This could be sorted and eyeballed in the Perf Report, but it is missing key fields.
BIRT Vol Perf shows session counts by volunteer but does not show which volunteers have mentor classification .... user is currently forced to then download BIRT Vol Roster and then do complicated tablejoins / vlookups to limit the Perf Report rows to only mentors.
1/ allow BIRT report to sort by the Session count field [like the name field]; so a chapter leader is not forced into administrative task of a .csv download to do the same sort
2/ at least add Classification field to the dataset for .csv download
3/ ideally, allow BIRT to filter for Mentors Only [but at least do #2]
4/ ideally, have BIRT create a new field for mentors who are averaging 3 or more sessions per month as "Engaged"
I would not need to submit this if BIRT platform were upgraded and HQ allowed field users to create, save and share a custom BIRT report.