BIRT Vol Performance Report - Workshops Presented

Mark Krosse

Add # of workshops presented by a volunteer to the BIRT Vol Performance Report

Engage automagically captures this from Events into the Volunteer's Profile / Workshop Presenter section. Maybe do a simple data feed into a new BIRT report column: # of Workshops Presented

It would be nice to also pull the Event's attendee # and NPS #; but lets start with at least #workshops

Business Case

1/ field leaders use the BIRT Vol Perf Report for volunteer recognition and to drive vol engagement

2/ the new National Education Strategy is dependent on identifying skilled volunteer presenters to help drive services & SCORE revenue [national sponsorships]

3/ non-mentor volunteers [SME's & Workshop Presenters] have a 2-3X attrition rate vs mentors, partly because there is no systemic data capture on non-mentoring work efforts

Accessing this info directly in Engage requires ground penetrating radar and the skills of an archeological dig expert.