Client email update

Susan Jojo

I understand that we cannot change an email address on a client's mentor request. We can only change the email address on the contact file which doesn't transfer to the mentor request.

Is it possible to change that ability? Is it possible to change that, so if we change the email address in the contact file there is a background system change to all mentor requests the client has?

Here is why I ask. When a mentor is working with a client they are working off of the mentor request they have been assigned to. They do not work off the master contact file. If a Client changes his/her email address the mentor cannot correct it in the Mentor Request. So they can no longer email the client through Engage they must use their google score email account to converse with the client. This loses the history in the Engage system of contact.


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Michael Gilman

Susan you or your mentor should be able to change the address on the MRE... I will try to reach out to you later today to do a screenshare so I can see what you are or are not doing... Hope that helps Michael