Mobile device support for BIRT reports

Ray Nix

I now use an iPhone and iPad for most of compute and communications. Reverting back to a PC just to run BIRT reports is very inconvenient. I have to believe I’m not alone. I’d love to see this enhancement on your roadmap.


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Gina Currence Alago

Additional comments from duplicate upvoty

"BIRT enhancement request - IOS and Android support for BIRT
Ray Nix
Volunteers are increasingly inclined to use smartphones and notepads not only to communicate but to perform most research, reporting, content development, etc. I find it increasingly inconvenient to use my Windows based PC. I suspect this especially true of younger members who are joining in increasing numbers. So, as indicated in the title line, I strongly suggest that we be able to run BIRT reports on our smartphones and note pads running Apple IOS and Android operating systems.

09-26-2024 - 3 months ago


Michael Gilman

Ray, BIRT reports do work with Mobile browsers could you share what your issue is?


Ray Nix

Thanks Michael. I just successfully pulled a couple of reports and extracted some custom reports. Operator error previously, I guess.


Michael Gilman

Ray, glad you got it to work correctly for you!
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Healthy Holiday Season and New Year!! Thank you for all your efforts.. Michael