Report Request: Chapter Management Chapter Comparisons

Gina Currence Alago

Sample format attached:

Submitted by Gina Currence Alago on behalf of Steve Saudek ticket 453069 (steve.saudek@scorevolunteer.org, neeraj.wadhara@scorevolunteer.org, elena.chernokalskya@scorevolunteer.org)

Type of report requested: Recurring Report: A report that could be accessed repeatedly and would maintained.

Who will be using the report? Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs/Vice Chairs (and potentially other field leaders)

What is the purpose of the report? What questions will be answered? How will the information be used? Etc. Please be specific.: Chapter Performance/Management

Parameters of the report: Is the data in the report limited to a specific timeframe or location? To a specific scenario or position? Do you need specific fields or filters?: See attached sample layout

Please provide any additional comments/feedback.: I and my chapter co-chairs view BIRT's SCORE Dashboard Performance Report often to see the current and YTD data for the chapter of which I'm a co-chair: Boston, which is Chapter 20. In order to get to our chapter's data we need to drill down from the National to Regional to District to Chapter, and it is impossible to see how our chapter compares to others, unless we do a similar drill-down for every other chapter.

We are requesting a custom report in the format on the view below, which shows the column heading. All the data would be the same as what's in the Dashboard Performance Report, but seeing it for each chapter would allow me to view other chapters in the same report, which is useful to gain perspective.


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